Conference Benefit for Those Not in the U.S.
From: Jay Sage, Conference Webmaster (
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2020 03:54:46 -0700 (PDT)

Rachel Heller Bernstein asked about the benefit of the "live" component of the conference for people who live outside the United States. She referred specifically to SIG and BOF meetings, but the live program involves far more. See the preliminary program on the conference website ("PROGRAM INFO" under the "PROGRAM" tab).

The live programs have been scheduled, I believe, in a way to make them available to the degree possible in such disparate time zones as Europe-Israel and Australia. I have added to the page referred to above a table with the event times in many other time zones. For Europe and Israel, most of the sessions are at reasonable or possible times for many people (starting at 3-5 pm). For Australia, at the other end of the spectrum, the times are more difficult. Only the second block, running from 6:00 to 9:30 am, is reasonable or possible for many people.

This is the difficulty one faces with a conference that is both international and virtual. I think it is the reason that the program is designed primarily around pre-recorded talks that will be available on-demand for a considerable period of time. See the LECTURE LIBRARY item under the PROGRAM tab on the website for more information about the topics.

These are my thoughts as the webmaster, not someone involved in programming decisions.

-- Jay

Jay Sage
Webmaster, IAJGS 2020 Virtual Conference
Email: webmaster [at]

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